Friday, September 19, 2008

hi hi :D

im back with news :P

i suddenly had a poetic side :P

please visit so click here
i hope you like it

Friday, March 14, 2008

BREAKING DAWN COUNTDOWN(read twilight-new moon-eclipse[read them all by Stephanie Meyer she sooo rocks!!!])

quality=high bgcolor=#000000
TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="">

Friday, November 9, 2007


hi people wahh school is hard i know doesnt every student think of that
yeah sure their are hard times in those times but school can really be fun with you your friends and teachers and other people you know in your school...

quizzes+seatworks+homeworks+projects+presentations+reports= SOMETHING TO DO WITH GRADES!!!

sure sure doing all these things are hard to do but there are ways to do it all:

1) know the deadline/submission dates of the projects
2) when are you gonna do them (just as long as its not the day before the deadline)
3) optional:if you have a hard time ask an friends, groupmates, family to help you

well here thats what i know but their still more if you just think about it i just thought about this when i read a book "how to study and enhance test-answering"

but still good luck !!!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

our last meet

someday ill feel the way i feel right now...
and one day i will take my last bow
for i was happy that i was with you
and i hope that i will see you soon

but still the days that have passed
for me i thought that it would never last
but then it was reality
and also my destiny.

for you i will give it my all
through the end of time
but still the time has come
the last time we meet has been over and done

now we must go
which one of us is hurt
that would be me
i let you go...i let you free...

its just a thing i made up....(:P)

Friday, October 12, 2007

hi and greetings!!!

hi again guys!!!

hoping your liking this blog i really worked hard on making this possible

thanks for the comments i really apreciate it all i also hope that you visit the sites i've put on the "other people's blogs'' i hope youll continue to visit and join the contests of my blog

thanks lots,