Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

reco finally!!!

oh yeah!!! the reco of my class has happened now...

it was nice except for the scolding part(s)

but still it was fun (we didnt get wet :(( )

oh well

it was cool a lot of my classmates cried

well and me too :P

but i get to read my reco letters too (25-26 of them)


now ill wait for the outreach now i hope it doesn't get cancelled again...

now pls. join my contests or write comments about this site...

thanks :)

.... :-??

Thursday, September 13, 2007

show your talents!!!

pls join either enter a:

a drawing
or a poem

just send it to me so that i can post it to my blog and people can see it!!!

pls email to:
